Photo credit: Asya Gorovits In spring 2024, students from three courses, The Artist as Activist, Nonviolence: Theory and Practice, and Dramaturgy 1 engaged with the world-renowned, Vermont-based social justice theater company, Bread and Puppet, for a workshop at the...
Animal Policy Project With the help of Pace students participating in the Animal Policy Project, a New York State law was passed that bans annual wildlife killing monetary contests, whose common targets are predators such as coyotes, foxes, squirrels, and bobcats....
Distinguished Professor of Economics Joseph C. Morreale, PhD, delivered the keynote address at the Society of Fellows Initiation Ceremony, at which 18 students and three faculty were inducted into the Class of Fellows named for him. This spring, 18 students and three...
Throughout the fall semester, a number of Dyson students participated in events at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan. A connection with the UN has become a mainstay in Dyson, through coursework in departments such as Peace and Justice Studies and Political...
A record-number 16 Pace University students (including 14 from Dyson) were accepted into the 2022 class of the United Nations Academic Impact and Millennium Campus Network (MCN) Fellowship. In this semester-long global program, students convened with the cohort of...
CCAR’s Pace Votes Team Named Campus Team of the Year The Center for Community Action and Research’s Pace Votes team, a group devoted to increasing voter engagement on campus, was recognized as the Campus Team of the Year at the annual award ceremony for the Andrew...
An Innovative Approach to Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Teaching Professors Satish Kolluri, PhD, and Joseph Lee, PhD,challenge students to explore complex themes through film. Film, as an art form, has the power to transport the viewer anywhere in the...
Three Dyson students—Yara Ammar ’26, Film and Screen Studies; Ellis Clay ’25, Peace and Justice Studies and Political Science; and Mariana Rojas ’26, Environmental Studies and Sociology/Anthropology—have been selected for the prestigious Jeanette K. Watson Fellowship,...
Ones to Watch Pace Students and Alumni in the Performing Arts Nabiyah Be ’14 BFA ActingSimone Jackson in Daisy Jones & The Six(Prime Video) Hannah Bonnett ’21 Musical TheaterElle Woods in Legally Blonde: The Musical(Broadway National Tour)...
Animal Policy Project Sends Students to NY State Capitol This spring, students in the Animal Advocacy Clinic, a course housed in the Animal Policy Project led by Professor of Environmental Studies Michelle Land, JD, studied animal rights issues currently facing New...
PaceDocs’s For the Love of Food: An Education in Culinary Ethos On May 8, 2023, Pace’s award-winning documentary film team—PaceDocs—premiered For the Love of Food: Pour l’amour de la cuisine, which focuses on the slow food movement that began in Europe during the...